Our Vision
Mission Statement
To educate, equip, and empower those called of God, through excellence in world-class academics and leading-edge practical ministry training, raising up anointed ministers to launch into their calling to advance the Kingdom of God.
King’s Coast Bible College is a place of Biblical higher education and Spirit-filled training that exists to supply the remnant Church with leaders of competence, integrity, and spiritual maturity, functioning in power and demonstration through the offices of the five-fold ministry.
What We Offer
At King’s Coast Bible College, we offer programs and pricing options for those desiring a One-Year Certificate in Bible & Ministry Studies, or a Three-Year Bachelor of Arts Degree in Christian Ministry, with focuses in Pastoral Leadership, Evangelism, Missions, Biblical Counseling, Youth Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Worship/Music Ministry, and Church Technology (sound, media, communications, etc.),
Bible College Done Differently
Many “Christian Colleges and Universities in America have changed their original focus, to where they are now identified as “Liberal Arts” schools. This means that they no longer focus exclusively on Biblical training and education, but that they have diversified to offer many different career tracts and programs.
Oftentimes, they also receive government funds or grants and become accountable to governmental policies that can change or compromise their upholding of various Christian standards and practices. As the government becomes more liberal, so do the standards these schools must function by, in order to receive the funds.
Most traditional Bible Colleges/Universities are quite expensive, (averaging between $15,000—$20,000 per year), leaving those graduating with a Bachelor’s degree with an average of $65,000 in student debt. As many students meet their spouse in or during their college years, this then doubles the household student debt to approximately $130,000
As most entry-level ministry positions begin at a salary of around $35,000/yr, so most cannot afford to make the student loan payments and still survive, so many are forced to seek secular jobs outside of their calling.
Studies show that only 5% of those who leave ministry for secular employment ever return to full-time vocational ministry.
Most Bible Colleges/Universities or Seminaries, focus almost entirely on academics, thus graduating students who have theoretical knowledge, but no practical application experience. This creates stress and frustration in the graduate as well as the employer and as a result, 80% of graduates entering their first full-time ministry position will be released from it within the first year.
This again drives them into seeking secular employment, (sometimes out of disillusionment of the ministry, and sometimes due to financial pressure). And again, only 5% will ever re-enter full-time vocational ministry.
Ministry is being flooded with individuals indicative of this age, being more focused on political correctness, tolerance, and acceptance of all lifestyles, not holding to Biblical standards or doctrines, and being very seeker-sensitive rather than being filled and led by the Holy Spirit. For many, the ministry has become a career choice rather than a calling.