Student Information

Welcome to King’s Coast Bible College! At KCBC, our goal is to equip you so that you possess not only, a high standard of academic excellence in order that you might stand against the wave of contemporary culture as a Christian thinker, but also that you may engage in world-changing, Holy Spirit led and empowered ministry.

Combining both, proven educational methodologies and an intense hands-on practicum, to approach Biblical five-fold ministry with; a true understanding of the sacred text, a continued commitment to the historic church founded in Acts, and the ongoing presence and work of the Holy Spirit, we our confident that KCBC will prepare you to serve the Kingdom of God successfully in whatever capacity you are called to!

Is King’s Coast Bible College accredited?

Like many independent Bible Colleges, we offer a Bachelor’s degree under religious exemption in the State of Florida. This means that we are not “regionally accredited”. Many of our nation’s most respected institutions of higher learning began as religious schools, and many still operate without regional or national accreditation, (including Harvard University). This freedom is reflected in our Certificate and Degree programs, in that we have zero General Education courses, and this enables us to accelerate your learning in specific areas applicable to your calling.

Both, our certificate and our Bachelor’s degree programs are specifically designed for students who want to prepare for ministry. We don’t believe that you should graduate with a mountain of debt or overload your time taking courses that are irrelevant to your calling. Instead, we believe that those who are called to full-time/vocational ministry should be properly educated and practically trained, and equipped for use in the ministry. The bottom line: We aren’t regionally accredited. We are exempt from accreditation in Florida under “Florida Statute Section 1005.06 (1)(f))”, establishing that churches are permitted to educate and train their own clergy. 

The first colleges or universities in America were Christian, and the first universities worldwide were planted strategically by the church. We see our Certificate and Degree level programs as a return to the way things initially were and still should be. In no way does this mean that we compromise the standard or integrity of the educational or practical components of our programs. We offer real degrees, and our courses of study are highly academic and intense in their practicum.

What am I able to do with a degree from King’s Coast?

Contrary to most seminaries or bible colleges that teach ministry in theory, but provide no experiential learning, we believe that upon graduating with a degree from King’s Coast Bible College, students will be among the most valuable and sought after in church/ministry employment.

We currently have an established and growing relational network and agreements with churches and schools who share the same theological vision as King’s Coast Bible College, to assist students in ministry placement following graduation, or if students desire, to pursue other areas or avenues of education.

King’s Coast Bible College exists primarily for students who feel called and possess a desire to be trained in historic Christian theology and thought/application for ministry purposes.

Can I transfer credits from another Bible College?

No. King’s Coast Bible College’s online program is accredited through Great Life Church and cannot accept credits from other colleges or universities.

What is the workload expectation?

It’s college level, academic, and depends on how many courses you take. A typical course has; lecture hours, assignments & essays, and exams & student interaction. Students are expected to conduct research in order to fulfill the writing requirements for each assignment and may be asked to read or defend their writing in classroom interaction. Certain courses will also include practical hands-on training and demonstration outside of the classroom, or even in church services.

Both certificate and degree programs have a concentration on classroom room academics and interaction, as well as practical education and application, so ultimately it comes down to knowing your own capacity, time-management, and what you are capable of accomplishing. Many students are well able to succeed in having part or full-time jobs in addition to their course workload.

Does King’s Coast have semesters?

No. You can access your King’s Coast Bible College online courses within your chosen program anytime throughout the year.