Ministry Outside of the Classroom
Students will grow in their unique gifts by participating in our weekly services, outreaches, and events at Great Life Church. Whether they are behind a camera, or serving with kids and youth, serving is a way for them to apply what they are learning in the classroom, in person. When students are not serving they will be an engaged part of our services in their very own King’s Coast seating section.
Students of KCBC will have the opportunity weekly to be a part of local outreach both on campus and ministering throughout our city. Students will experience hands-on the power of soul-winning through various outreach opportunities. They will also be a part of practical outreach through partnerships with missions and benevolence organizations.
Eligible King’s Coast Students will be invited to participate in a week-long missions opportunity in the Spring of their first year. Bringing the gospel to new territory will forever influence how students view their calling and its eternal impact. Applying all they have learned in outreach training throughout the year will be an incredible benefit when they travel to a new city.
There will be times of the year that seem more busy than others as a KCBC student, but what will always be essential is the need to interact and engage with other believers. Students are expected to participate in their age appopriate ministries (ex: Young Adults) through events and services to establish social connections with others. This part of ministry encourages students to receive in a different setting and sharpen those in their circle of influence.